Life at St. Joseph
A Day In the Life
Horarium is Latin for ‘the hours’ and is the name given to a plan of life that is lived in the day-to-day, that is, the daily schedule of a seminary or religious house. The horarium is the foundation of the discipline that governs the community, ensuring that all duties such as prayer, work, study, meals, or recreation form a fixed daily routine by which the individual souls are guided towards a common end or goal. While not easy to live at first, an horarium quickly reveals itself to be essential to achieve a free and directed life.
Seminarians grow closer to the Lord in prayer and the Sacraments. Holy Mass, the Divine Office, the Rosary, and mental prayer are part of each day. Through spiritual reading, meditation, petition, and contemplation, our men walk the narrow path to the sacred priesthood, one day at a time.

Each man is given a house job which changes each semester. Cleaning, cooking, grounds maintenance are essential tasks to create leadership and ownership in the men.
Aside from classes in Philosophy and Latin, time is given each week to musical development, literature, and the arts.

Each day, time is spent in recreation, athletics, and play.
“The biggest life lesson
I learned is that a
well-ordered daily
routine and schedule is
extremely beneficial to
all aspects of your life.”