Who We Are


This website is a window into our life and I invite you to look in. You will catch a glimpse of what happens to a young man in the seminary. First, he grows in two fundamental areas of knowledge: the knowledge of self and the knowledge of God.  For a man to be here he must be willing to see the truth. He must gaze upon his own history and discern the hand of God. As with the two disciples who walked with Christ on the road to Emmaus, Jesus reveals to each man the meaning of his own life. Christ alone can interpret the pages of each man’s narrative.  During this process of discernment, a man’s heart may begin to burn with a desire for more. If it does, then we have ourselves a seminarian.

With knowledge comes the need alter our character and shape our desires in conformity to the designs of Christ’s heart.  Love for Christ compels a man to change. The dimensions of this change we call formation.  A seminarian must work with grace to perfect his natural powers so as to be an authentic ambassador for Christ.  Formation is broken down into four major areas: 

  • The development of his character by the cultivation of the cardinal virtues. 
  • The development of his intellect by assiduous study
  • The development of his union with God by a life of intense prayer
  • The bestowal of the goods he has received by a life of pastoral charity. 

Whether you are looking through this window because you are a young man discerning your vocation, or you are a member of the lay faithful with a desire for a holy priesthood, I welcome you to not only look but to become part of this mission. 

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. In Domino .

Fr. Matthew Kauth, S.T.D., Rector

Seminary is for
men who are serious
about Christ and
not too serious
about themselves.


The most fundamental question that must be asked by every man is: “For what life did God create me?” College seminary is a means to finding that answer. One does not join college seminary because he has certitude about his vocation, but because he seeks certitude.  How is that accomplished?  By giving men a structured form of life which removes distractions that can cloud clarity. Men in our seminary attend traditional college classes at Belmont Abbey College but live in a house of formation. The goal of pursuing the will of God permeates the life. This means that the day begins and ends with prayer. The assistance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Liturgy of the Hours, the Holy Rosary, spiritual direction is part of the daily life. Academics, sports and manual labor are in the gaps of our prayer. We come from prayer and return to it.  Our work is sanctified by it. All of this is done in the context of a fraternal life. When I was in seminary, I met some of my closest friends because the finest friends are those who share the common life of discipleship. We serve the same King and are knit up in bonds of fellowship greater than mundane interests. Yet to be a “part” of something and not a “whole” unto oneself requires a certain death to self. To form the men that might one day be entrusted with Christ’s priesthood is no small task. The priests of the Diocese of Charlotte do not “outsource” their responsibility of being a father and mentor to our own. The vocations that are born here are formed here, close to their families and bishop, under the careful watch of our own faithful parishioners. While we have very high expectations of the men who are accepted at St Joseph College Seminary, no one emerges as the man that first entered. Growth in virtue and the spiritual life requires courage, good humor, and a determined will to follow Christ at whatever price. He who loses his life will find it. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about St. Joseph College Seminary.

Formators • Faculty • Staff

Very Reverend Matthew Kauth, S.T.D.

[email protected] | (704)370-3402

Fr. Matthew Buettner

[email protected] | (704)370-3402

Fr. Brian Becker

[email protected] | (704)370-3402

Sr. Mary Raphael, DVM

[email protected] | (704)370-3402

Sr. Mary Elizabeth, DVM

[email protected] | (980)282-0565

Sr. Mary Jacinta, DVM

[email protected] | (704)756-4658

Andrew Mahon

[email protected] | (814)384-8814

Deacon Timothy Mueller

[email protected] | (704)477-8928

Fredrik Akerblom

[email protected] | (704)302-6386

Msgr. Patrick Winslow, Vicar General


Very Rev. John Putnam, J.V.


Very Rev. Timothy Reid, Vicar for Education


Fr. Paul Buchanan, Pastor


Fr. Matthew Codd, Pastor


Our seminarians

Jeremy Smith

GOLF Class

Theodore Holthe

GOLF Class

Elijah Buerkle

Golf Class

Matthew Hennessy

Golf Class

Peter Andress

Hotel Class

John Paul Felder

Hotel Class

Michael Herman

Hotel Class

Chad McCormick

Hotel Class

Andrew Scott

Hotel Class

Matthew Sie

Hotel Class

Anhtony Briones-Tristan

India Class

Micah Burgess

India Class

Walter Frei

India Class

Alexander Lavine

India Class

Collin Petruska

India Class

James Sides

India Class

Maximillian Torres

India Class

Pierre Westhoff

India Class

Fr. Matthew Dimock, Jr.

Alpha Class

Fr. Matthew Harrison III

Alpha Class

Fr. Aaron Huber

Alpha Class

Fr. Kevin Martinez

Alpha Class

Fr. Jose Palma Torres

Alpha Class

Fr. Christopher Brock

Alpha Class

Fr. Peter Rusciolelli

Alpha Class

Fr. Christian Goduti

Bravo Class

Deacon Christopher Angermeyer

Bravo Class

Deacon Anthony del Cid Lucero

Bravo Class

Deacon Kolbe Murrey

Bravo Class

Deacon Andrew Templeton

Bravo Class

Michael Camilleri

Charlie Class

Bryan Ilagor

Charlie Class

Deacon Nicholas Kramer

Charlie Class

Peter Townsend

Charlie Class

James Johnson, IV

Delta Class

Patrick Martin

Delta Class

James Tweed

Delta Class

Bailey Van Nosdall

Delta Class

Deacon Joseph Yellico

Delta Class

Michael Lugo

Delta Class

Connor White

Echo Class

John Cuppett

Echo Class

Maximilian Frei

Echo Class

Robert Bauman

Foxtrot Class

John Harrison

Echo Class

Gabriel Lugo

Echo Class

Ronan Ostendorf

Echo Class

Mateo Perez

Echo Class

Matthew Stanley

ECHO Class

Mark Becker

Golf Class