Calendar of Events

2024—2025 calendar

Events During the 2024-2025 School Year.

Please join us at the events listed below with an * next to the description.

January 12, 2025Seminarians return from Christmas break
January 23 - 25March for Life, Washington, DC
February 14 - 16Seminarian Basketball Tournament Ohio
March 8 - 16Belmont Abbey College Spring Break
April 14 - 20Holy Week
April 15Chrism Mass at the cathedral
April 17 - 21Belmont Abbey College Easter Break
May 5Last day of classes Belmont Abbey College
May 17Baccalaureate Mass 9 am, Graduation 11 am Belmont Abbey College
June 7Diaconate ordination, St. Mark, Huntersville*
June 14Priesthood ordination, St. Mark, Huntersville*
June 16 - 20Quo Vadis Days retreat

Questions? Contact Fredrik Akerblom, Director of Advancement

Fredrik Akerblom, Director of Advancement
St. Joseph College Seminary
[email protected]
(704) 302-6386